High School Graduation

Tonight I feel seventeen. Tomorrow is graduation day. One more project to go: for English, a self-expression slide show of my life—my people, my friends and classmates—set to U2’s “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For.” We’ve been together a long time, but high school isn’t it. We still haven’t found what we’re looking … Continue reading High School Graduation

On the Go

To my senior quote in my high school yearbook I included Matthew 28:20--"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." With life as I knew it coming to an end and a future on the horizon I could barely imagine, I relished the comfort that Jesus would always be with me. No matter … Continue reading On the Go

Good Enough

When I was in high school, Good Enough was good enough. We did our best - and sometimes not - and we did well. Most kids in my middle-class high school were on the College Prep track; we knew a few in the "non-College Prep" classes, and we understood they struggled; we knew a few who took Honors/AP … Continue reading Good Enough