Use anticipation to build the good.

Before you try a new restaurant, do you check out the menu online? As a vegetarian, I always make sure a new place will have good veggie options. If someone else suggested the meet-up, I need to know if I should snack beforehand. Checking out the menu in advance has another value: it builds anticipation. … Continue reading Use anticipation to build the good.

The Benefits of Paying Attention

I am over-the-moon that (in)courage has shared my article today. It begins: Last summer our family (my husband, teenage son, and I) took a month-long road trip through the United States as part of Dave’s pastoral sabbatical. We made a loop from our home in Northern California through the Southwest to Kentucky and back through … Continue reading The Benefits of Paying Attention

Gratitude as Joyful Self-Care

What book has made a lasting positive impression on your life? If you’re a reader, you know: some books are more than good. They’re life-changing. Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gifts has been one such book for me. Though Voskamp has endured heartbreaking tragedy within her own family, she found her way to gratitude and, through … Continue reading Gratitude as Joyful Self-Care

Want to Be Productive? Add Joy!

When our younger son was diagnosed in middle school with inattentive ADHD, I discovered that I have it, too. Our older son has what most people think of as ADHD: capital-H Hyperactive. Our younger son’s personality is so different that we had no idea. Turns out, ADHD doesn’t always look the same. I thought I … Continue reading Want to Be Productive? Add Joy!

Five Types of Prayer to Refresh Your Joy

How do you feel about prayer? I’ll admit I have mixed feelings. I grew up in churches. I attended a Christian college and seminary. I have been involved with countless ministries. I have worked at churches. And I have prayed silently and out loud in every one of those contexts.  Still, for much of my … Continue reading Five Types of Prayer to Refresh Your Joy

Happiness as an Animal? Meet the Quokka

A writing friend sent me some writing prompts. One in particular caught my eye: “Compare happiness to an animal.” My animal-loving son sat nearby as I read her email. I love animals, you may love animals, many of us love animals. My son takes loving animals to a whole different level. Like to an animal … Continue reading Happiness as an Animal? Meet the Quokka

5 Healthy Habits for 2021

Last year I set a goal to drink more water. I wobbled for a while before the habit took hold. Initially, my skinny water bottle needed to be filled 4 times each day to meet my goal and I kept losing track - was I on bottle #3 or #4? Eventually, I recognized the bottle … Continue reading 5 Healthy Habits for 2021