Happiness as an Animal? Meet the Quokka

A writing friend sent me some writing prompts. One in particular caught my eye: “Compare happiness to an animal.” My animal-loving son sat nearby as I read her email. I love animals, you may love animals, many of us love animals. My son takes loving animals to a whole different level. Like to an animal … Continue reading Happiness as an Animal? Meet the Quokka

What Animal Are You?

The Chinese have zodiac animals (rooster). Native Americans have spirit animals (snake). Even Harry Potter has a patronus (no idea). Humans seem to like identifying their character traits with animals. What animal would you be? I’ve always shared the same answer: a cat. I can sit quietly with my own thoughts forever. Sleeping is my … Continue reading What Animal Are You?

Thankful Thursday – Puppy Joy

Our neighbors moved away, and of course they took their darling black lab with them. But as we more or less co-parented our dogs, it felt like losing not just our friends but also our pet. Izzy, who had never known life without her next door bestie, became depressed. Her appetite dropped off. Several times … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Puppy Joy