Happiness as an Animal? Meet the Quokka

A writing friend sent me some writing prompts. One in particular caught my eye: “Compare happiness to an animal.” My animal-loving son sat nearby as I read her email. I love animals, you may love animals, many of us love animals. My son takes loving animals to a whole different level. Like to an animal … Continue reading Happiness as an Animal? Meet the Quokka

Thankful Thursday – Growing Happy

Where did I read it? Magazine, blog, online news article...? Anyway, last weekend I read, somewhere, that those who study these things have shown three significant factors that affect brain chemistry to increase the feelings of happiness: Gratitude Laughter Good people Gratitude: find three unique things for which you can be grateful each day. I … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Growing Happy

Humble. Yoga. Go!

Friends opened a yoga studio and invited me to try it. I’d never tried yoga and, other than mandatory (despised, humiliating) PE classes all the way through college and some neon jazzercise in the late-80’s/early-90’s, group exercise—team or class—hasn’t been my thing. To be honest, exercise hasn’t been my thing. I’m branching out in middle … Continue reading Humble. Yoga. Go!

re:create recess

In 2015 I decided to adopt a word (actually, a phrase) that significantly affected my decision-making: put yourself in the way of beauty. Unlike any resolution or goal setting before it, that phrase began a work in my being--mind, heart, body, soul--that continues to this day. Create was my 2016 theme, and it picked up … Continue reading re:create recess

Create Hope

I have known today's guest post writer for close to half my lifetime, and she has been one of God's best gifts to me: laid back and passionate; thoughtful and whip-smart; kind and prayerful. She also has one of the best laughs I've ever heard. She seriously listens and together we laugh until we cry. She's also … Continue reading Create Hope


A few years ago, our neighbor took down their simple tree swing. He walked across the court and put it under our pine tree, then returned to his garage to get a ladder and tools. Within minutes, their slightly-older children had bequeathed to ours a perfectly good source of outdoor entertainment. Now adolescents, I suppose my kids … Continue reading Swing