Smell the Roses

It’s rose season! I take a lot, and I mean a lot, of pictures of flowers. Roses especially, but any beautiful flower that captures my attention. Taking pictures—just on my iPhone, nothing too fancy—is for me a joy-filled discipline of noticing. I stop. I lean in. I frame the subject. I go for a better … Continue reading Smell the Roses

Humble. Yoga. Go!

Friends opened a yoga studio and invited me to try it. I’d never tried yoga and, other than mandatory (despised, humiliating) PE classes all the way through college and some neon jazzercise in the late-80’s/early-90’s, group exercise—team or class—hasn’t been my thing. To be honest, exercise hasn’t been my thing. I’m branching out in middle … Continue reading Humble. Yoga. Go!

Thankful Thursday – Every Breath I Take

The last few weeks have cycled through deep soul excavation, self-reflection, confession and forgiveness, and difficult, honest conversations. These weeks have been hard, tearful, and also so good, resulting in helpful new insights. Growth can be hard work. One of the healthier ways I've managed all the feelings has been to get active. Moving my body … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Every Breath I Take