Thankful Thursday – Road Trippin’ the American West

The longest road trip I remember from childhood took me to Disneyland, which seemed So Far Away, though now I have to admit that the hour-and-a-half drive from San Diego to Anaheim doesn't truly count. Guy's family did real road trips: six weeks coast-to-coast in a Volkswagen Vanagon, a different route each way, every summer. … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Road Trippin’ the American West

All of the Above

I can't count the number of times I've heard someone say "I'm not creative" just in the last eighteen months. I disagree. We are all creative, as humans created in the image of a creative God. We've misunderstood creativity. We've unlearned the creativity so natural to children. We've allowed the critical voices to occupy space … Continue reading All of the Above

Thankful Thursday – Summer Quiet

Kids are at camp this week. I should be tearing it up, cleaning all the nooks and crannies, (re)organizing, school prepping. But I'm not. I'm working (mostly from home). I'm exercising and reading. I'm procrastinating on the shoulds. I'm enjoying time with my Guy and myself. I'm thankful for the sunflowers Tween chose at the … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Summer Quiet

Full Friday – March 2017

The week before spring break is a crazy one in our office as each year we prepare to send about 250 people from our church and community to Mexico to build hope and homes with AMOR. This year, in this one week, our group will build fourteen homes. I am FULL of gratitude for this trip, … Continue reading Full Friday – March 2017

2016 Create Challenge & (Re)Discovering My POV

Just about a year ago, my brother-in-law and I discussed creativity as we washed Christmas china. We hatched a plan to invite people to post on my blog about creativity. As a result, this year 39 people have guest-posted, one friend 2x, and I have been moved, inspired, blessed. Throughout this year, I have heard two … Continue reading 2016 Create Challenge & (Re)Discovering My POV

Creating & Making

I met today's guest post author when my friend (her mother-in-law) hosted a gathering for people to learn about her family's exciting new oversees adventure in Indonesia. Over the few times we've shared together since--at church, over meals, at St. Mary's College basketball games--I have been impressed with how openly she shares her heart, her faith, her laughter, her … Continue reading Creating & Making

Creating Columbine

One of my personal joys throughout this Create Challenge year has been creating a community platform for creatives who have walked a leg of my own creative journey. Today's guest post-er is such a one. Many moons ago, she was an editor at a Christian publishing house where I was invited to participate as a writer. Together … Continue reading Creating Columbine