ReBuild: Mexico 2017

One of the best things our church does fills one week with life-changing experience and takes the rest of the year to plan, then debrief, before planning the next trip: our spring break house building trip to Mexico with Amor Ministries. This year, as in most years, about 250 high school students and adults built hope, … Continue reading ReBuild: Mexico 2017

Full Friday – March 2017

The week before spring break is a crazy one in our office as each year we prepare to send about 250 people from our church and community to Mexico to build hope and homes with AMOR. This year, in this one week, our group will build fourteen homes. I am FULL of gratitude for this trip, … Continue reading Full Friday – March 2017

Thankful Thursday – Forced Detox

I'm back! For the last few weeks my computer has either struggled to function or has been in the shop (don't even get me started on the several internet technicians who spent hours at my house replacing brand-new modems with other brand-new modems or moving brand-new modems to different locations in my not-big-enough-for-this house; or the … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Forced Detox

Mexico: A Quick Glimpse

Amor Ministries has been organizing groups to build houses in Mexico for 30 years. Moraga Valley Presbyterian Church has been taking high school students and adults to build houses in Mexico during spring break for 25 years. Pastor Dave knows just how life-changing this experience can be - he has spent spring break building homes in Mexico since he … Continue reading Mexico: A Quick Glimpse

Meatless Monday

My sweet Guy bought me an Advent gift, this beautiful book I look forward to savoring: And today, December 1st, these words leap off the page and into my heart: "Jesus...whispers to you in a noisy world: 'Right where you are, look for the small glimpses of My love unfurling around you....' "Miracles happen whenever … Continue reading Meatless Monday