Sharing Cookies & Legacy

My son bought me a gingerbread man. While that may not seem like a big deal to you, for me it represents a generous role-reversal. For close to 20 years, my family joined my mom and nephew for one summer week along the Monterey Bay in what we called our “Cation House.” Because Mom and … Continue reading Sharing Cookies & Legacy

NYC, There’s Something About Ya’

The Best Weekend! I told my family that, for my BIG birthday, I wanted to wake up with my loves in a place we’d never adventured together before. We discussed the pros and cons of various locations and landed on: New York City. How does a nature-loving, bookish homebody—easily overwhelmed and edgy in crowded cities … Continue reading NYC, There’s Something About Ya’


Facebook keeps tossing up pictures from when Q14 was little and, now that he's in high school, they prompt all the Big Feels. I can't even imagine what a mess I'll be three years from now when he's a high school senior - sheesh! Last Monday was a no-school day. In our family, no-school days … Continue reading Mom-ories

His Mother’s Voice

[Since I don't post when I'm away from home, this week I'm going to post some of the content I wrote while on vacation...] Trying to wrestle three teenage boys out of the vacation house and into the vacation isn’t as easy as it should be. Because teenagers: sticky molasses-stubborn. When they finally realized we … Continue reading His Mother’s Voice

Thankful Thursday – Road Trippin’ the American West

The longest road trip I remember from childhood took me to Disneyland, which seemed So Far Away, though now I have to admit that the hour-and-a-half drive from San Diego to Anaheim doesn't truly count. Guy's family did real road trips: six weeks coast-to-coast in a Volkswagen Vanagon, a different route each way, every summer. … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Road Trippin’ the American West

Practicing Re-Creation

Today's guest post makes me so happy, in part because I recently got to spend an evening with this person, after WAY too many years (we have spent more years not seeing each other than we were old the last time we saw each other--yikes!). And because, as long as I've known her, this … Continue reading Practicing Re-Creation

The Journey

Our minds play tricks on us. We've had so much fun that we think if we can just stack all the same blocks in exactly the same order, we can recreate that fabulous experience. But, the next time round, we aren't the same people. Even if we manage to stack those same blocks in that … Continue reading The Journey

Meatless Monday – Ginger Stout Cake

I remember the first time I tasted real gingerbread: I was 20 years old, on a college study abroad program. Walking in the English Lake District, we stopped to warm ourselves in a bakery. Of course I'd had gingerbread before--gingerbread cookies, ginger snaps, even the bread--but I'd had nothing like this, so gingery-fierce it seemed … Continue reading Meatless Monday – Ginger Stout Cake

So Many Words

Some days I feel crazy, like the words are eating me from the inside out. I haven’t written in a few days, haven’t had even a spare minute to grab the computer. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t been writing. I just haven’t gotten the words down on screen/paper. The words don’t stop. They don't … Continue reading So Many Words


I wrote here about my intentions for, and here about my results with, "my word" for 2015: Put yourself in the way of beauty. As 2015 came to a close, I reflected on the fact that my word had truly stuck with me and changed the way I lived. And so I asked myself, what's … Continue reading Create