Advent 2018 Wk4 – Worship

Too often we think Worship = Going to Church. We hustle-bustle out the door. We sit, stand, sing, shake hands in the pews, listen. We greet our neighbors and head home, worship-job done. That's too narrow. Worship = recognizing and reflecting back to God His incredible worth, to love Him and love our neighbor with … Continue reading Advent 2018 Wk4 – Worship

Advent 2018 Wk3 – Faith

The year C20 had his first birthday, Guy and I both turned 30 a few weeks before and after. Our birthdays span November to January so Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's got wrapped up in the fun. We created a list of small celebrations we could enjoy each day during those eight weeks, simple activities … Continue reading Advent 2018 Wk3 – Faith

Advent 2018 Wk 2 – Joy

Lately I have been impressed with stories of joy: people enduring difficult circumstances with genuine smiles lighting their faces and claims of, "Laugh or cry, I choose to laugh," or "I was born a happy child," or "I choose to do something I enjoy every day." People who, in witness to others' difficult circumstances, decide … Continue reading Advent 2018 Wk 2 – Joy

Advent 2018 Wk1 – Hope

Recently I had a conversation with a friend who admitted she is looking forward to the holidays and, truly, next year. She's had a rough few months and needs some joy and a fresh start. Same. And, from conversations with others, I know we aren't alone. It seems so many people are up against so … Continue reading Advent 2018 Wk1 – Hope

Meatless Monday – Ginger Stout Cake

I remember the first time I tasted real gingerbread: I was 20 years old, on a college study abroad program. Walking in the English Lake District, we stopped to warm ourselves in a bakery. Of course I'd had gingerbread before--gingerbread cookies, ginger snaps, even the bread--but I'd had nothing like this, so gingery-fierce it seemed … Continue reading Meatless Monday – Ginger Stout Cake

Ritual: Cation House

One of my favorite weeks of the year is coming right up: our annual trip to the Cation House. I originally wrote this post for my friend Cara Meredith's blog during her 2015 guest post series on rituals (please go check out her blog - great stuff happening over there!). I can't wait for another week of beach-y rest, … Continue reading Ritual: Cation House