Sharing Stories Only You Can Tell

My mom died on February 4, 2023. Though she’d been declining over the past three years, when she left us it felt like a devastating earthquake, complete with aftershocks. Six weeks later, my sister organized a gathering Mom would have enjoyed: a garden party and lunch with her inner circle of dear friends. She arranged … Continue reading Sharing Stories Only You Can Tell

Word of Life – 1 John 1:1-4

What do you believe? I just started reading a nonfiction book about how to live an authentic life in a world that no longer runs on the (outdated) standard life approaches passed down through generations. It challenges readers to identify the stories we’ve been told and continue to tell ourselves which may or may not … Continue reading Word of Life – 1 John 1:1-4

Re:Create • Sanctified Imagination

Pictures of cute kittens and babies aside, one of the more useful benefits of social media is connecting with people you haven't seen in a while. That's exactly what happened when, a few years ago, I got a message from a friend I hadn't seen in over 20 years. He had stumbled across our church … Continue reading Re:Create • Sanctified Imagination


I wrote here about my intentions for, and here about my results with, "my word" for 2015: Put yourself in the way of beauty. As 2015 came to a close, I reflected on the fact that my word had truly stuck with me and changed the way I lived. And so I asked myself, what's … Continue reading Create

Scripture: Our Map

This picture has always struck me as an accurate portrayal of my relationship with my mom – the two of us snuggled up, enjoying a book together. Mom read with me all the way through high school, and even when I was in college she sometimes read the books I was assigned. She loves to read, I … Continue reading Scripture: Our Map