Be Where You Are

For most of the last eighteen years, our family has spent one week each summer vacationing in Pacific Grove, California, a NorCal coastal town nestled between Monterey and Carmel. Many years before our annual vacations began, while we were dating and newly married, Guy and I would drive from his childhood home in Santa Cruz … Continue reading Be Where You Are

Thankful Thursday – Love Thyself (Body, Too)

Arguably the only good thing about injury and illness is their capacity to increase one's gratitude for health and wellness. Almost four weeks ago I went for a run (over a year later, that I run--ever!--still gives rise to my surprised giggles). A few miles later, having run and walked in turn, feeling better than … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Love Thyself (Body, Too)

Thankful Thursday – Every Breath I Take

The last few weeks have cycled through deep soul excavation, self-reflection, confession and forgiveness, and difficult, honest conversations. These weeks have been hard, tearful, and also so good, resulting in helpful new insights. Growth can be hard work. One of the healthier ways I've managed all the feelings has been to get active. Moving my body … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Every Breath I Take

Play at Your Own Risk

I've written about this before, but most of my life I thought I could not be a runner. Once I hit puberty, running induced unbearable abdominal cramps. Later, as a college freshman, I tore my meniscus and running hurt my knee. Sports never floated my boat, so I had no reason to run. I was the indoorsy … Continue reading Play at Your Own Risk

Exercise Caution

In March I took up running. A life-long walker/hiker who thought she hated running, I had a surprisingly good time pushing myself to more frequent runs which became faster and longer runs (still not far or fast, but my only competition is myself.) It was fun until it wasn't. Gulping in deep outdoor fresh-air allergy-heavy breaths, I … Continue reading Exercise Caution

Thankful Thursday – Hufflepuff & Blooms

So uncharacteristic, I began running about six weeks ago. Once-twice a week became two-three times a week became daily. Huh, I'm running! Not a runner, but running no less. About four weeks in I felt a funny coldness in my throat. Then a cough developed, non-productive, just annoying. Then I couldn't breath deeply - butterflies fluttered … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Hufflepuff & Blooms

Running in the Rain

You don’t have to know me well to know I’m not a runner. My inner critic says, You might know at first glance, but I tell that voice to hush up now. For various reasons, I haven’t run since a college-required fitness class, mostly because it felt torturous, no fun at all. Walking, hiking, YES, … Continue reading Running in the Rain