When What’s Staggering Isn’t: Seeing Sad Truths

The US has now passed the staggering statistic of 200,000 COVID-19 deaths (global deaths are approaching one million). That’s the equivalent of:66 days of 9/11 attacks109 Hurricane KatrinasAlmost 1,200 Oklahoma City bombings1,450 full commercial planes, or eight plane crashes every day of our six-month quarantineThe combined US death toll from the wars in Korea, Vietnam, … Continue reading When What’s Staggering Isn’t: Seeing Sad Truths

Exercise Caution

In March I took up running. A life-long walker/hiker who thought she hated running, I had a surprisingly good time pushing myself to more frequent runs which became faster and longer runs (still not far or fast, but my only competition is myself.) It was fun until it wasn't. Gulping in deep outdoor fresh-air allergy-heavy breaths, I … Continue reading Exercise Caution