Gratitude as Joyful Self-Care

What book has made a lasting positive impression on your life? If you’re a reader, you know: some books are more than good. They’re life-changing. Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gifts has been one such book for me. Though Voskamp has endured heartbreaking tragedy within her own family, she found her way to gratitude and, through … Continue reading Gratitude as Joyful Self-Care

Gratitude Check

Some days are more difficult than others, living in this messy, broken world. Just before heading to bed last night, Guy turned on the evening news and heard that the little girl, missing for days in his hometown, had been found dead. The suspect? A 15-year-old neighbor. Tragedy times two, two broken childhoods. Quietly, I slipped into … Continue reading Gratitude Check

Thankful Thursday

I've never been one for details. My guys are each observant in their own ways: they see things on which I might otherwise impale myself. While in Costa Rica I had to constantly remind myself to notice where my own body parts had landed: were my hands on a railing or my feet on the … Continue reading Thankful Thursday