Five Types of Prayer to Refresh Your Joy

How do you feel about prayer? I’ll admit I have mixed feelings.

I grew up in churches. I attended a Christian college and seminary. I have been involved with countless ministries. I have worked at churches. And I have prayed silently and out loud in every one of those contexts. 

Still, for much of my life, I shouldered the weight of prayer-related shame. Similar to my lack of prowess at every sport I ever tried, I thought I was no good at prayer.

Gradually, I have learned to let go of what works for others, including approaches prescribed by Christian culture and have leaned into the uniqueness God built into me.

To read more about the five types of prayer that have been refreshing my joy, pop on over to The Joyful Life blog where today I am the featured writer!

Photo credit: Loralie Hoffort

2 thoughts on “Five Types of Prayer to Refresh Your Joy

  1. My Life in Our Father's World – Illinois USA – I am a wife and mother with 2 adult children. I am a jail chaplain and a preschool teacher. I consume copious amounts of coffee on a daily basis. I believe that God has a unique plan for each of us. Consequently, I write what God tells me to write when He tells me to write it..
    My Life in Our Father's World says:

    Commented on Joyful Life

    1. Siv Ricketts – SF Bay Area – Hi, I'm Siv (pronounced "See-v") Ricketts, & I'm so glad you're here. In this space & on Instagram, I write to encourage you to have hope, seek beauty, and live joyfully. I have BA’s in English and Communication from Westmont College and an MDiv from Fuller Theological Seminary. I have focused my career working in and writing for the Church as a youth director, a communication director, and a freelance writer/editor. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area with my husband, two sons, and a menagerie of pets. You can also find me on Instagram (@sivricketts).
      Milagro Mama says:

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