Friendship Quilt

As a young adult, a dear friend introduced me to Anne of Green Gables. Anne pines for a bosom friend, a kindred spirit, whom she finds in Diana Barry. Maybe you have one Best Friend. Maybe you have a Friendship Quilt. Either way, we can be grateful for the friends in our lives. Guest post: … Continue reading Friendship Quilt


It can be hard to find beauty as you walk in the wasteland... And some days, seasons, in our lives feel just like that: devoid of beauty, wasted, bleak. But there is hope, friends, always hope. My friend Kristi reminds us to look to the phoenix. Grieve the losses, yes, but look for the new … Continue reading Phoenix

Love as Creative Energy

I don't dance well but, when the music and mood strike, watch out! And I have danced with today's guest post author; together, we have joyfully boogied at a friend's wedding celebration and at concerts in the park. She danced with my kiddo first, though...she was one of his fabulous PreK teachers and, though I … Continue reading Love as Creative Energy