More Than These

Five Minute Friday prompt: Excuse This morning I practiced lectio divina before I took the dogs out for a walk. From John 21, I heard “Do you love me more than these?” and “Follow me.” It was the phrase “more than these” that really caught me. The resurrected Jesus has appeared to his disciples on … Continue reading More Than These

Nothing to Be Ashamed Of

When did you last feel guilty? What did you do, and what did you do with your guilt: confess it and make it right? Hide it and walk away? What are you ashamed of? It could be related to the same situation if your guilt went unresolved. But shame is sneaky. You likely feel ashamed … Continue reading Nothing to Be Ashamed Of

If Only…

Pre-pandemic pause, we said: If only...we weren’t so busy. If only...we had more time. If only...the family could do more together. During this pandemic pause, we say: If only...this had never happened. If only...I had my own space. If only...we could go back to normal. [Please note: This pandemic hasn't thrust us into the same … Continue reading If Only…

Christ Has Risen

He has risen indeed! The other day we drove past a local church with a banner that read: Easter is for Everyone! (No religious experience necessary) We chuckled, paused, reflected... It's accurate, but does it feel like an odd thing to say? I'm still thinking about it, so at least that makes it effective advertising... … Continue reading Christ Has Risen