How to Honor Earth Day

The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it,the world, and all who live in it - Psalm 24:1 Today is Earth Day. In 1970, the first Earth Day mobilized 20 million Americans to greater care for our planet. Now the Earth Day organizers say they have one billion people committed to the environment and … Continue reading How to Honor Earth Day

Proof of God’s Existence

I stand in awe of people with the kind of artistic ability you'll see in today's guest post. In fact, creative talent of this caliber, in any form--painting, drawing, making music, dancing, writing--seems to me proof enough of a Creator in whose image people were created to create. re:create recess #21: Jae Moon Lee Coincidently, … Continue reading Proof of God’s Existence

Creating is Like Breathing…

I met Jim when he served as a volunteer youth leader with a ministry my husband and I led what feels like a bazillion years ago; well, Teen was a toddler and we were in grad school, so everything might have been a bit blurry about the edges. Jim wasn't. He was crystal clear, thoughtful and truthful, … Continue reading Creating is Like Breathing…

Books – The Recent Round-Up

Even though May might just be my favorite month - days slightly brighter and longer and birds and flowers singing and springing - the end of school year seems always to twist me up and set me spinning. Not enough time! Too much to do! You have a what project that requires what supplies and you … Continue reading Books – The Recent Round-Up