Know Your Why

Besides caring for myself, my guys, and our small menagerie, I invest myself in writing.

Why? I write to encourage those who read my words.

I write to encourage…

Your heart
Your faith and practice
Your health and wholeness
Your pursuit of lifelong learning
Your commitment to justice and right action
Your creativity – even if you think you don’t have any

I write to encourage you to witness the wonder and beauty of life.
I write to encourage you to live more fully. 
I write to encourage you to see the miracles in the mundane.

I’m grateful you’re here. Let’s encourage one another.

Also, some exciting news:

My article, “Five Prayer Styles to Refresh Your Joy,” will be included in The Joyful Life Magazine’s summer issue, now available for pre-order.

The issue will be REST-themed, perfect for summer as you make space to rest and seek refreshment in your life.

Other contents will include:
* Rest Doesn’t Have to Be Productive
* 10 Truths to Tell Yourself Every Day
* Learning How to Fight: Rules of Engagement in Marital Conflict
* Decluttering Don’ts
* And tips on planting succulents and 5 bruschetta recipes

And let me tell you this: the spring issue, CREATE (on sale now), is the first issue of this magazine I’ve held in my hands. To be honest, calling it a “magazine” is something of a misnomer, though calling it a “periodical” sounds too weighty and academic. It is stunningly beautiful, printed on quality paper, with gorgeous photography and page layout showcasing thoughtful and practical articles alike. It’s not inexpensive, but it’s worth it.

Plus you’ll get to read my words, and I had a lot of fun writing this article.

Pre-order now!

2 thoughts on “Know Your Why

    1. Siv Ricketts – SF Bay Area – Hi, I'm Siv (pronounced "See-v") Ricketts, & I'm so glad you're here. In this space & on Instagram, I write to encourage you to have hope, seek beauty, and live joyfully. I have BA’s in English and Communication from Westmont College and an MDiv from Fuller Theological Seminary. I have focused my career working in and writing for the Church as a youth director, a communication director, and a freelance writer/editor. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area with my husband, two sons, and a menagerie of pets. You can also find me on Instagram (@sivricketts).
      Milagro Mama says:

      Thanks, Kelly! I’m excited for you to read it.

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