Lent 2021: Explore Playful Practice

“...Lent is a speed bump in the church year, inviting us into reflection, confession, and prayer as we approach Holy Week and Easter, a time when we remember the profound costliness of God’s abundant love for us.” --Susan Phillips, PhD, Executive Director of New College Berkeley Image by Trevor M from Pixabay I love the … Continue reading Lent 2021: Explore Playful Practice

Sabbath 1

As we enter Lent, the season in the Church calendar in which we focus on Jesus Christ's sacrifice for love of us, we begin a wild and wandering conversation about Sabbath. What does Sabbath mean to you? Sabbath, #4 of the 10 Commandments, seems to be the one the Church feels free to omit. To … Continue reading Sabbath 1

God: Our Guide

The last couple of weeks have been over-full. Most nights I've tossed myself into bed too late and slept fitfully, waking groggy with odd remnants of uneasy dreams clinging to my tousled hair. It's just a season, and God has shown up in small and big ways: a verse of the day that spoke with … Continue reading God: Our Guide