Sabbath 1

As we enter Lent, the season in the Church calendar in which we focus on Jesus Christ's sacrifice for love of us, we begin a wild and wandering conversation about Sabbath. What does Sabbath mean to you? Sabbath, #4 of the 10 Commandments, seems to be the one the Church feels free to omit. To … Continue reading Sabbath 1

Summer Reading – Non-fiction

Sustain Summer! That's my theme over here. So what if school started Weeks Ago? So what if it's Raining in Cali today (yippee! SO happy it's raining, and yet, I still maintain... It. Is. Summertime)? Fall officially begins September 23rd, which means No Matter What the activity calendars have decided, summer reigns until September 22nd. And that … Continue reading Summer Reading – Non-fiction