Reading: April-June 2022

During these busy few months, I've read fifteen books, a fact that simultaneously surprises me and doesn't surprise me at all. It should be surprising that I've been able to carve out significant time to read, and yet, reading is my still spot on the horizon when the world does loop-de-loops. Reading entertains me, educates … Continue reading Reading: April-June 2022

Summer Reading 2021

School starts for my son tomorrow - senior year already? - which means summer is over for us even though technically summer lasts another six weeks. Also, it's #NationalBookLoversDay, so it seems like a good time to share all the books I've read this summer. Since I've read a stack, I'll list them in star … Continue reading Summer Reading 2021

Reading: July 2020 pt1

Nothing like a global pandemic to shut down summer travel! During a typical summer, we would spend a week on the Monterey coast. We would probably also get away for some camping or to visit family. Guy and Q16 had reservations for a Scout bike trek in Maui, and Q would also have gone to … Continue reading Reading: July 2020 pt1

Reading: June 2020

In May I finally got around to reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The song the Oompa-Loompas sing in response to TV-obsessed Mike Teavee shrinking when he is the first human "sent by television" caught my attention: How used they keep themselves contentedBefore this monster [TV] was invented?Have you forgotten? Don't you know?We'll say it … Continue reading Reading: June 2020

Summer Reading 2019

Hey, Friends, I just signed up as an Amazon Associate and I will earn from qualifying purchases. So go ahead, click the titles linked to Amazon, and purchase, please! All reviews continue to be my own. Notes on the recent round-up... Maybe You Should Talk to Someone: A Therapist, Her Therapist, and Our Lives Revealed … Continue reading Summer Reading 2019

Summer Reading – Non-fiction

Sustain Summer! That's my theme over here. So what if school started Weeks Ago? So what if it's Raining in Cali today (yippee! SO happy it's raining, and yet, I still maintain... It. Is. Summertime)? Fall officially begins September 23rd, which means No Matter What the activity calendars have decided, summer reigns until September 22nd. And that … Continue reading Summer Reading – Non-fiction