Reading: Feb-March 2022

Lots of reading recently... I've been doing research for a Writing as a Spiritual Practice class I hope to teach next month (stay tuned for more info) and I've also participated in an online book discussion group with other writers. And then there's all the fiction I read to procrastinate on the actual work projects … Continue reading Reading: Feb-March 2022

Reading: April 2021

Last month I told you I would share some delicious books that I began reading but couldn't finish in March. They wouldn't be devoured. They insisted on being savored, slowly, bite by delicious bite. You might want to wait until next Lent to read Where the Eye Alights by Marilyn McEntyre, though you sure don't … Continue reading Reading: April 2021

Reading: July 2020 pt1

Nothing like a global pandemic to shut down summer travel! During a typical summer, we would spend a week on the Monterey coast. We would probably also get away for some camping or to visit family. Guy and Q16 had reservations for a Scout bike trek in Maui, and Q would also have gone to … Continue reading Reading: July 2020 pt1