Sabbath 1

As we enter Lent, the season in the Church calendar in which we focus on Jesus Christ's sacrifice for love of us, we begin a wild and wandering conversation about Sabbath. What does Sabbath mean to you? Sabbath, #4 of the 10 Commandments, seems to be the one the Church feels free to omit. To … Continue reading Sabbath 1

Celebrating God’s Goodness

Jesus Christ is risen. He is risen indeed! Today we celebrate Easter, the resurrection of Jesus Christ which conquered death and gives us new life. Easter lilies. Choral and brass anthems. Dress-up clothes. And yes, Easter baskets, hidden eggs, and even chocolate bunnies. Celebration is important, necessary for a full life, the highs balancing the lows. But … Continue reading Celebrating God’s Goodness

Faith Training

A few sessions of childhood swim, ice skating, dance, gymnastics, and tennis lessons hardly qualify me as an athlete. I may be the only person you know who has never participated in a team/competitive sport. I once asked my parents if I could join a soccer league. My mom said no, citing scarred knees as … Continue reading Faith Training