Lent 2020: Trust & Watch

God knows you can’t do anything!... God will do it for you. Trust him. And watch! I am such a Moses - easily overwhelmed, a total scaredy cat, prone to arguing with God about things I’d rather not do, bargaining for a more comfortable approach. What I love about the Moses story is that God … Continue reading Lent 2020: Trust & Watch


Annie burst into the bar exclaiming, “What IS this place?” “It’s the best little wine bar you’ve ever stepped foot in, but tonight it’s also a karaoke bar!” came my response. Without a glance at the menu, she ordered a sauvignon blanc and a song list. Her two friends, obviously indulging Annie’s whim, didn’t even … Continue reading Milestones

The Struggle is Real

This summer our church has been doing a deep dive into the wisdom of Proverbs. Earlier this week some of us gathered to study this passage from Proverbs 30: 7 “Two things I ask of you, Lord; do not refuse me before I die: 8 Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, … Continue reading The Struggle is Real

Receive Correction

When I reflect on my lifetime in God’s house, I have to acknowledge God’s grace that I’m still here. Especially in my own tween/teen years, well-intended church-going do-gooders decided it was their Christian duty to beat me over the head with (often misinterpreted) Scripture. Though they aimed to “speak truth in love” (another Scripture taken … Continue reading Receive Correction

Creating Trust

As we head into the holiday season, many of us anticipate time with family and extended family... Cue the emotions! While today's post isn't about holidays, it is about trusting God with our families in life's everyday moments and the brutal no-one-wants-that-news time-suspending experiences. It serves as a good reminder to never take life--and the people who … Continue reading Creating Trust


“Mom, I’m okay, I wasn’t involved, but the police want you to come pick me up.” My heart races at this rush of words through the telephone. Teen and two other boys had permission to spend a summer night at another friend’s house. He has a game room and they wanted to play late into the night. Teen … Continue reading Garage

Let it Be

Last week God gave me a miracle of closure. Almost a year ago, a long-time friendly acquaintance, a would-be friend had we shared greater proximity in the time we've known one another, well, she threw me under the bus. She observed and entirely misunderstood an encounter I had with someone else. Instead of talking to me, she … Continue reading Let it Be