The Struggle is Real

This summer our church has been doing a deep dive into the wisdom of Proverbs. Earlier this week some of us gathered to study this passage from Proverbs 30: 7 “Two things I ask of you, Lord; do not refuse me before I die: 8 Keep falsehood and lies far from me; give me neither poverty nor riches, … Continue reading The Struggle is Real

Thankful Thursday – Celebrate

Oh, friends, what a week! Thursday to Thursday, I'm not sure there is any adequate way to sum it up, but let's try this: joy, and grief, and joy... In all, celebrate. One week ago we were in the final hours of the school year, during which both kids managed to drag out the drama … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Celebrate

Receive Correction

When I reflect on my lifetime in God’s house, I have to acknowledge God’s grace that I’m still here. Especially in my own tween/teen years, well-intended church-going do-gooders decided it was their Christian duty to beat me over the head with (often misinterpreted) Scripture. Though they aimed to “speak truth in love” (another Scripture taken … Continue reading Receive Correction

Pursue Wisdom

I just came from a Boy Scout Eagle Court of Honor in which ten boys received Scouting's highest honor, the rank of Eagle Scout. Teen became an Eagle last year, so I recognize how much hard work each has invested to bring them to this day. As a mom, I understand what this day signifies … Continue reading Pursue Wisdom