It’s My Birthday!

It’s my birthday! Well, when I wrote this yesterday it was my birthday... So how about a birthday introduction? I love a good celebration, but I don’t enjoy being the sudden center of attention (spotlight = okay only when I choose it, thank you very much). The year I turned 7, I asked friends not … Continue reading It’s My Birthday!

Expectation: O Come, Emmanuel

Advent is a season of waiting. Unlike God’s people of old, we know we will celebrate the Messiah’s birth on December 25, and we spend about a month preparing our homes and hearts for his arrival. They had to wait. Like all God’s people throughout time, we’re still waiting for the Messiah’s eventual return. We’re … Continue reading Expectation: O Come, Emmanuel

Add Joy, Not Overload, to Your Holiday Celebrations

How do you feel as you anticipate the holiday season? Are you looking forward to it, expecting to grin and bear it, or a little of both? Most of us intend to observe the holidays with joy. Yet the holiday season can easily become overloaded with busyness, stress, hassle, chaos, late nights, and early mornings. … Continue reading Add Joy, Not Overload, to Your Holiday Celebrations

Books Make the Best Gifts – Holiday 2020

I just finished reading my 74th book in 2020. Way back in January, or what feels like eight years ago now, I set a goal to read 55 books; Goodreads tells me I'm at 135% of that goal--and I'm not done yet! Still, it's time to purchase holiday gifts and I have some readers on … Continue reading Books Make the Best Gifts – Holiday 2020

All Saints’ Day

Still trembling with fear, I grabbed Mom’s arm in wobbly desperation. “Do Not Ever let me ride that again!" I gasped. "Even when I’m a teenager and I come here with my friends, tell them I Am Not allowed to ride that ride!” My mom took me and my sister to Disneyland, an hour-and-a-half drive … Continue reading All Saints’ Day

Meatless Monday – July 4th Ice Cream

Tween had cake for breakfast. To be fair, it was packaged and presented as a "muffin," but I say we should call a chocolate-chocolate chip "muffin" with cream cheese filling by its true name: cake. Whatever. He's 12 and it's a holiday. Full disclosure, I had ice cream for breakfast. Actually, I had coffee before … Continue reading Meatless Monday – July 4th Ice Cream

Happy Leap Day!

For most of us, today probably feels like an ordinary Monday. I'm doing my normal Monday routine - working from home, an extra load of laundry spinning as I type. But this Monday is a once-every-four-years event and for some reason this year I feel a particular urge to celebrate. Probably because Leap Day only arrives … Continue reading Happy Leap Day!

Meatless Monday – Cauliflower Soup

A year ago I wrote this post about lining up my expectations with my Quirky Christmas reality. Always a struggle, during this month between Thanksgiving and Christmas the house has been clean for about three-quarters of one day; the cards still haven't been mailed; worse yet, the packages will cost us a mint to ship … Continue reading Meatless Monday – Cauliflower Soup

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

The leprechauns stopped by to lead the boys on their annual treasure hunt. Our leprechauns don't come in the wee hours, and we have never tried to trap them. Their only mischief is to create silly clues that have the kids running from side-to-side of the house, laughing all the way. We started this tradition … Continue reading Happy St. Patrick’s Day!