
Happy Independence Day! One of my favorite Bible verses comes from Galatians 5:1... "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free." Honest: I don't appreciate anything near the truth of those few words. I don't think most of us truly understand and live our freedom, even those of us who have been set … Continue reading Freedom

Thankful Thursday – Week of July 4th, 2016

Today didn't go as planned. I had to work through, pray through, a few unanticipated and frustrating speed bumps before I could return to gratitude. Yet my issues are annoyances, mere splinters compared with the unanticipated life-demolishing road blocks others have experienced today, this week. My reasons for gratitude remain huge, while others grieve. I don't have … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Week of July 4th, 2016

Meatless Monday – July 4th Ice Cream

Tween had cake for breakfast. To be fair, it was packaged and presented as a "muffin," but I say we should call a chocolate-chocolate chip "muffin" with cream cheese filling by its true name: cake. Whatever. He's 12 and it's a holiday. Full disclosure, I had ice cream for breakfast. Actually, I had coffee before … Continue reading Meatless Monday – July 4th Ice Cream