We need goals to get to finally moments.

We all want those “finally” moments: Finally, I’ve saved enough money to take that trip.Finally, I’ve lost the unwanted weight.Finally, I earned that raise.Finally, finally, finally, but how do we get there? Many of us either dream too big, too fast or we waffle in trying to determine the goal worth reaching for. I have … Continue reading We need goals to get to finally moments.

Setting Goals & Making Progress

I don’t make resolutions, but I do set goals. Hmm, aren’t “resolutions” and “goals” two words for the same thing? Resolutions: a firm decision to do or not do something.Goals: the object of a person's effort; an aim or desired result. So, yes, “resolutions” and “goals” may be interchangeable. Maybe I’m mincing words, engaging in … Continue reading Setting Goals & Making Progress

Mid-Year Goal Check-In

Think back to New Year's Eve 2019. We had no idea what this year held in store... Of course, we never know the future, but December 31, 2019 feels almost like another lifetime, doesn't it? Still, did you set any intentions for the year? I made a Not-20 for 2020 List, and thought I'd revisit … Continue reading Mid-Year Goal Check-In

Not 20 for 2020

I don't make resolutions. Which may sound odd when you read the list below except, to me, they're not resolutions. They're more like goals or intentions, things I'm already working on that I want to work on more diligently. For example, I already walk the dogs and drink water, but these goals give me a … Continue reading Not 20 for 2020

Bigger Than a Bumper Sticker

Last weekend I was One Proud Mama, overflowing with joy, as Teen had what may well have been the best weekend of his seventeen years. It began with a rugby end-of-season barbecue where he won a coaches award for Most Improved player in his position. The coach spoke of Teen’s hard work, determination, and playing … Continue reading Bigger Than a Bumper Sticker