Not 20 for 2020

I don’t make resolutions. Which may sound odd when you read the list below except, to me, they’re not resolutions. They’re more like goals or intentions, things I’m already working on that I want to work on more diligently. For example, I already walk the dogs and drink water, but these goals give me a measure.

I won’t do these things perfectly, I know. For starters, I intended to come up with 20 and instead only hit 17; if I aimed for perfection, I’d add things to the list disingenuously. I included some to stretch me and others as easy checks which will encourage me to keep going, yet even those might not go as I anticipate. It seemed so simple to wake up on New Year’s Day in clean sheets…until the cat got angry at the New Year’s Eve houseful of revelers and peed on our clean comforter. I woke up on top of a clean sheet and under an old blanket. C’est la vie! Just keep going, stay flexible, and smile.

  1. Wake up on New Year’s Day in clean sheets.
  2. See Hamilton (tickets purchased for January 9!)
  3. Drink 4 Hydroflasks of water/day.
  4. Greet my family every single time with a smile and full attention.
  5. Eat dinner at the table.
  6. Go to bed early and bring a book.
  7. Exercise with the dogs on average 20 miles/week.
  8. Blog 2x/week.
  9. Declutter one area for 20 minutes once a week.
  10. Practice Sabbath weekly.
  11. Read/engage with a different version of the Bible.
  12. Read 4 books/month.
  13. One social occasion and/or family fun day per month
  14. Finish my current writing project and do three more.
  15. Use the gift cards.
  16. Make 5th weekends special: March 27-29, May 29-31, Aug 28-30, Nov 27-29.
  17. Say Yes and/or No when appropriate and not out of obligation or guilt.

What will you work on this year? Let’s encourage each other!