Merry Christmas – The Messiah Has Come

“O Lord, you are the musician, and we are all your instruments. You breathe, and we come to life. You breathe, and we are horns for your glory. You blow through the world the winds of the spirit, and we like chimes cannot keep silent. You pluck the strings of our hearts, and we become … Continue reading Merry Christmas – The Messiah Has Come

Advent 3 – Longing for the Prince of Peace

When I chose "recreate" as my 2017 word of the year, I anticipated keeping on keeping on with my creative life pursuits while engaging more playfully. I did not expect the mess, the dusty piles that result from taking things apart in order to make something new. I didn't expect the directions the word would … Continue reading Advent 3 – Longing for the Prince of Peace

Advent Week 2 – Anticipating the King

My family will attest: I enjoy having people over. I enjoy cooking and serving and spending time with friends in the comfort of my own home. My family will also attest: In the last hour before company arrives, more often than not I transform into a dragon. I could blame the family but, truth, it's … Continue reading Advent Week 2 – Anticipating the King

Advent 1 – Preparing for the Child

Having babies didn't come easily for us. Before each of our two successful pregnancies, we endured months of waiting and praying, regular heartache, and celebrations of the births of many babies to family and friends. Our boys arrived almost six and eleven years into our marriage, definitely not on our timeline. In both cases, we … Continue reading Advent 1 – Preparing for the Child

Advent 1 – Expecting Peace

Stating the obvious: we do not live in a peaceful world. War and rumors of war. School shootings. Crime in all its variety. Job stress. Illness. Divorce. Even in my everyday mundane suburban life, peace seems elusive. So today's title made me wonder: do I expect peace? Maybe my faith is too small. Maybe my … Continue reading Advent 1 – Expecting Peace