Hold the Truth Tight

Conflict. Bleh. With so much conflict in the world, one could hope the church would be a conflict-free zone. Far from it. The Bible speaks clearly about the Church’s enemy who stirs up discord and strife. And if you’ve been around the Church for even some time, you’ve likely seen it. I’ve been involved in … Continue reading Hold the Truth Tight

Advent 3 – Making Peace

Our friendship burned hot and fizzled furiously like a sparkler on Fourth of July. I can't explain it, but the first time we laid eyes on each other we decided to become fast friends. Within a week I had invited her in to all of my intimate circles. We had coffee so often Guy asked if … Continue reading Advent 3 – Making Peace

Advent 1 – Expecting Peace

Stating the obvious: we do not live in a peaceful world. War and rumors of war. School shootings. Crime in all its variety. Job stress. Illness. Divorce. Even in my everyday mundane suburban life, peace seems elusive. So today's title made me wonder: do I expect peace? Maybe my faith is too small. Maybe my … Continue reading Advent 1 – Expecting Peace


Some years ago I worked as a church receptionist. Lydia held a volunteer position that brought her to the office frequently. Unfortunately, Lydia was a true Grumpy Pants. Nothing pleased her and she was quick to let everyone know. I cringed inwardly when I saw her coming. She took all my patience and then some. Lydia also sat near me … Continue reading Gather