Hold the Truth Tight

Conflict. Bleh. With so much conflict in the world, one could hope the church would be a conflict-free zone. Far from it. The Bible speaks clearly about the Church’s enemy who stirs up discord and strife. And if you’ve been around the Church for even some time, you’ve likely seen it. I’ve been involved in … Continue reading Hold the Truth Tight

What’s Your Name? 1 John 2:2-17

Naming our big dog wasn't difficult. We met her on a Wednesday and when we picked her up on Friday, our big kid declared: "Her name is Izzy." We all agreed. Naming our puppy? Not the same story. Oh for sure, C19 named him in seconds, but the rest of us took weeks to agree. We … Continue reading What’s Your Name? 1 John 2:2-17


I attended Jr. High at the beginning of the 80's when Preppies ruled the school. I had one white Izod shirt and, though I stood several rungs down the social ladder from Popular, wearing it made me feel pretty. I had a crush on an 8th grade boy who had expressed interest in me despite my 7th … Continue reading J.O.Y.