Power Posing

I first heard of power posing years ago from a friend who mentioned that she was teaching her young children to stand in front of the bathroom mirror every morning, hands on hips like Wonder Woman or Superman, and speak positive words to themselves, for example, "I am amazing!" Okay. I'm all for positivity. Whatever … Continue reading Power Posing

Getting to Know You

If you want to get to know me but you only invite me to large group gatherings and never have time for a chat over a cuppa joe, you might describe me as awkward, or unfriendly, or cold. I hope I'm not truly awkward, unfriendly, or cold. However, as an introvert, large group settings are … Continue reading Getting to Know You

What’s Your Name? 1 John 2:2-17

Naming our big dog wasn't difficult. We met her on a Wednesday and when we picked her up on Friday, our big kid declared: "Her name is Izzy." We all agreed. Naming our puppy? Not the same story. Oh for sure, C19 named him in seconds, but the rest of us took weeks to agree. We … Continue reading What’s Your Name? 1 John 2:2-17

Hope Has Come

Hope. What is it, even? Does it make any difference? I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish I wish tonight... But hope is more than wishing. Hope is expectancy, pregnant with anticipated reality. Hope gives us strength to muster on, to slog through the daily reality, harsh as it some days may be. … Continue reading Hope Has Come