Sorry, Not Sorry

We were on vacation, lounging about as appropriate. The teen had fallen back asleep on our bed where he had retreated to get some alone-time from the parentals. Guy and I were reading quietly side-by-side in the living room with the patio door open to allow the breeze to circulate, and wind through the quivering … Continue reading Sorry, Not Sorry

Books: end-2017 reading

Goodreads (jokingly) tells me there are two reasons to read a book: to enjoy it, and to boast about it. But Goodreads stats page isn't working, so I can't boast about my year-end reading results. I know I read 44 books, less than last year but enough considering the year it was. I think I've … Continue reading Books: end-2017 reading

The Most Amazing Gift

This Create Challenge began as a challenge to myself - and to all of us - to think outside the box on what it means to create, to be creators, to engage in creative activity. Because Life = creative activity. Because miracles abound in the mundane, the sacred infuses the secular, play does a happy … Continue reading The Most Amazing Gift

What’s Your Dance Party?

I've been thinking about "YES!" This word, "create," requires saying Yes to life, to invitations, to play, and, sometimes worse, to those things that intimidate or downright scare me. Don't get me wrong. I'm all for saying "NO!" as necessary. I believe in it. Oh baby, YES, we have to say NO! from time to … Continue reading What’s Your Dance Party?

End of 2015 Reading

As a result of my last reading post and the reading crisis within which I found myself, a generous friend gifted me a book: Me Before You. An avowed Read-Page 1-To the End reader, whereas I am a Read-the Last Page-About a Chapter In reader, she swore me to uphold End Page Secrecy. I did, … Continue reading End of 2015 Reading

Thankful Thursday – Sweet Friends

A week ago I was asked: If you could spend one day with someone - celebrity/historical figure/anyone - who could help you grow in your vocation, who would it be? I write, so my mind easily wandered to writers. But I'm also easily intimidated. I don't want to spend time with someone too in/famous who would have me too quickly tongue-tied-tripping over … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Sweet Friends

Curb Your Appetite

As the day began, I didn't intend to fast. Hustling the kids off to school, I rushed out the door to meet a friend for coffee and conversation. Heading on to work, I realized I hadn't packed lunch. "It's Ash Wednesday," the Spirit nudged. "Do without. Spend time with me." One of the spiritual practices ideas I'd provided … Continue reading Curb Your Appetite