2019 Reading So Far

Apparently, today is World Book Day. I didn't know this was a thing but, as an avid reader, this seems like a good day to post about what I've been diving into so far in 2019. The Clockmaker's Daughter by Kate Morton My rating: 3 of 5 stars This book was like a meandering dream, … Continue reading 2019 Reading So Far

Reading: Sept-Oct 2018

I read exactly the same number of books (seven) in two months of my busy season than I did in my slow-speed summer, opposite reactions to bad news. This summer, I felt too stunned to read much. Summer came and went and, other than our trips, I'm not sure what I did. This fall, I … Continue reading Reading: Sept-Oct 2018

Books: end-2017 reading

Goodreads (jokingly) tells me there are two reasons to read a book: to enjoy it, and to boast about it. But Goodreads stats page isn't working, so I can't boast about my year-end reading results. I know I read 44 books, less than last year but enough considering the year it was. I think I've … Continue reading Books: end-2017 reading

Thankful Thursday – Books!

I read 30 books in 2015. Not a lot, but more than two a month. So far in 2016, I've upped the ante, closer to one a week. I may not keep it up, but it's been fun so far. I keep my library queue updated as I hear about books I want to read, … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Books!