Reverend Ricketts, Reptile Wrangler

A funny story about the importance of listening well & fact-checking: My husband Dave has been a pastor at our church for 15+ years. Our church tries to prioritize being FOR our local community, loving our neighbors well. If you know Dave, you know he is all in. Dave is also an environmentalist. And a … Continue reading Reverend Ricketts, Reptile Wrangler

Dreams Do Come True

I'm setting a timer and participating with the Five Minute Friday crowd. This week's theme is POSSIBLE. In the story below, you'll see that achieving your wildest dreams just might be possible... You want to shout: “Title and Picture do not match!” Bear with me… My son snapped this shot of an albino baby Rosy … Continue reading Dreams Do Come True

Found It!

Most visitors to Año Nuevo State Park this time of year are looking for elephant seals. Our family went in search of a snake. The San Francisco Garter Snake, to be exact, an endangered species that makes its home in that area. C20 has been desperate to find one. We decided to make this President's … Continue reading Found It!

Adventures in Parenting: Snake on the Loose

Spoiler alert for the squeamish: all snakes are back in secure cages. Yes, you read that right. All snakes, because we (intentionally) have several. Five, to be exact. C20 thought he wanted to be a herpetologist (reptile expert), but turns out, that college major involves way more math than he wants to do. Meanwhile, it’s … Continue reading Adventures in Parenting: Snake on the Loose

Find His Motivation

Some may call it bribery. I call it motivation. Initially, the goal (mine, at least) was to get Teen's college application essays written before the school year started. Despite the 2-session college essay workshop he attended, that didn't happen. The college counselor came to our home to talk through the process, yet Teen has felt so … Continue reading Find His Motivation