Love is the Remedy

Five Minute Friday prompt: REMEDY

Today I am two weeks post-second COVID vaccination. Which means I should be about as safe as I can be.

The vaccine is a specific remedy to a world-wide problem that has shifted our lives more than we currently recognize. I don’t need to rehash the overwhelm of this past year: we’ve all lived it, experiencing its terrible specifics at different levels. The vaccine helps, sure. I am exceedingly grateful for the vaccine. But the real remedy to what ails us? I’d say it’s love.

Love looks like doing unto others as we’d like them to do unto us.

Greeting people cheerfully. Looking them in the eyes. Letting the smile radiate through our eyes – if we’re masked, that’s all they can see anyway.

Love looks like listening long, deeply, well. Listening with a desire to hear someone’s heart. Asking questions rather than making assumptions. Putting aside agendas. Being willing to admit we don’t know, we don’t have all the answers, maybe we’re wrong. Responding with humility and grace. Praying throughout.

Love looks like seeking out those you haven’t heard from in a while. Offering to help. Showing up with warm homemade cookies. Sending snail mail. Serving others’ needs. Serving sacrificially.

Love looks like sharing abundantly. Giving freely. Spreading joy, singing loudly, dancing exuberantly, belly laughing.

Love looks like being together. Accepting flaws and quirks. Admiring gifts and uniqueness. Love also looks like setting healthy boundaries.

What could someone do to love you well today? Once you’ve got your answer, go do that for someone else.

To quote the famous song, “What the world needs now is love, sweet love.” Love is the remedy we need.

4 thoughts on “Love is the Remedy

  1. My Life in Our Father's World – Illinois USA – I am a wife and mother with 2 adult children. I am a jail chaplain and a preschool teacher. I consume copious amounts of coffee on a daily basis. I believe that God has a unique plan for each of us. Consequently, I write what God tells me to write when He tells me to write it..
    My Life in Our Father's World says:

    Giving & recieving love is so very important to our mental, emotional & physical health❣

    1. Siv Ricketts – SF Bay Area – Hi, I'm Siv (pronounced "See-v") Ricketts, & I'm so glad you're here. In this space & on Instagram, I write to encourage you to have hope, seek beauty, and live joyfully. I have BA’s in English and Communication from Westmont College and an MDiv from Fuller Theological Seminary. I have focused my career working in and writing for the Church as a youth director, a communication director, and a freelance writer/editor. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area with my husband, two sons, and a menagerie of pets. You can also find me on Instagram (@sivricketts).
      Milagro Mama says:

      Absolutely! I hope you feel well-loved today and find opportunities to share love as well.

    1. Siv Ricketts – SF Bay Area – Hi, I'm Siv (pronounced "See-v") Ricketts, & I'm so glad you're here. In this space & on Instagram, I write to encourage you to have hope, seek beauty, and live joyfully. I have BA’s in English and Communication from Westmont College and an MDiv from Fuller Theological Seminary. I have focused my career working in and writing for the Church as a youth director, a communication director, and a freelance writer/editor. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area with my husband, two sons, and a menagerie of pets. You can also find me on Instagram (@sivricketts).
      Milagro Mama says:

      Thank you! I’m sure someone will enjoy the cookies you deliver.

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