Believe. Love.

Many years ago, in my first church job, I had the privilege of working in the front office. Which meant I was the 'face' of the office, handling all the various requests of both members and those who walked in off the street. Brenda, the mentally-absent and sweet homeless woman whom we often let sleep … Continue reading Believe. Love.

Hold the Truth Tight

Conflict. Bleh. With so much conflict in the world, one could hope the church would be a conflict-free zone. Far from it. The Bible speaks clearly about the Church’s enemy who stirs up discord and strife. And if you’ve been around the Church for even some time, you’ve likely seen it. I’ve been involved in … Continue reading Hold the Truth Tight

What’s Your Name? 1 John 2:2-17

Naming our big dog wasn't difficult. We met her on a Wednesday and when we picked her up on Friday, our big kid declared: "Her name is Izzy." We all agreed. Naming our puppy? Not the same story. Oh for sure, C19 named him in seconds, but the rest of us took weeks to agree. We … Continue reading What’s Your Name? 1 John 2:2-17

Why? Glorify!

I awoke today with a few thoughts roiling around in my brain: I don’t feel well. I feel like a 13-year-old girl for all the drama in my life right now. When you want to ask WHY?, it’s time to worship. Huh? Those may seem unrelated, but they make perfect sense to me. The drama … Continue reading Why? Glorify!


Honestly, when our pastor announced that we’d study Romans for fifteen weeks, spring straight through summer, I felt more apprehension than enthusiasm. Paul’s letter to the church in Rome contains some of my favorite verses in Scripture but, as a book, it has not been my favorite. Paul’s convoluted courtroom argument hurts my brain. So when … Continue reading Romans


Today's guest post writer has been a thoughtful and generous friend for close to ten years. We have been in Bible studies and women's groups together and, crucial to my professional life, she makes beautiful the words I write/edit for our church publications. I deeply admire her creative talents and the way she intertwines prayer … Continue reading create.

Good Gifts

As a high school senior, my favorite teacher taught Child Development, the most fun elective a baby-loving kid could take. Also our Senior Class Advisor, Teacher was wild and crazy in all the ways teens love: funny, with a huge laugh; refreshingly honest, telling us truths about which our parents only blushed; smart and engaging, she made … Continue reading Good Gifts

God: Our Guide

The last couple of weeks have been over-full. Most nights I've tossed myself into bed too late and slept fitfully, waking groggy with odd remnants of uneasy dreams clinging to my tousled hair. It's just a season, and God has shown up in small and big ways: a verse of the day that spoke with … Continue reading God: Our Guide

Scripture: Our Map

This picture has always struck me as an accurate portrayal of my relationship with my mom – the two of us snuggled up, enjoying a book together. Mom read with me all the way through high school, and even when I was in college she sometimes read the books I was assigned. She loves to read, I … Continue reading Scripture: Our Map