Full Friday – March 2017

The week before spring break is a crazy one in our office as each year we prepare to send about 250 people from our church and community to Mexico to build hope and homes with AMOR. This year, in this one week, our group will build fourteen homes. I am FULL of gratitude for this trip, … Continue reading Full Friday – March 2017

Adventures in Sunday School

I'm married to a pastor. I work on the church staff. I lead small groups for both women's and student ministries. I wasn't looking for more ways to serve. But they needed teachers, and Tween has been a student helper with the 4-year-old class. Which is better for me than the 2-year-old class; the only time … Continue reading Adventures in Sunday School

What’s Gonna Work?

One of Teen's favorite preschool TV shows was the Nick Jr show, Wonder Pets. A turtle, a guinea pig, and a duckling, all preschool classroom pets, spent their after hours working together to save animals in trouble. They sang: "What's gonna work? Teamwork! What's gonna work? Teamwork!" That became a silly motivational mantra in our house, especially … Continue reading What’s Gonna Work?

To Unite Creativity to Communion with God

Today's guest post comes from a precious friend of many years with whom I have spent far too little time face-to-face. In fact, had I not opened an email from a stranger, we might not be friends at all. Some years after Guy and I graduated from Fuller Theological Seminary, Danielle and Matt followed in … Continue reading To Unite Creativity to Communion with God

Messy Family

How would you describe your family? My description might go like this: Dramatic. Quirky and Creative. Outdoorsy and Eco-friendly. Open books. Welcoming. (I have to laugh as Teen adds: “Zookeepers!” With twelve pets and four people living in approximately 1600 square feet, our home often feels like a small zoo). Same question, different audience: How … Continue reading Messy Family


I wrote here about my intentions for, and here about my results with, "my word" for 2015: Put yourself in the way of beauty. As 2015 came to a close, I reflected on the fact that my word had truly stuck with me and changed the way I lived. And so I asked myself, what's … Continue reading Create

Thankful Thursday – Life is More than Worry

As Church Communication Director, this week before Thanksgiving is always one of the busiest work weeks of the year as we rush to get Christmas PR printed, in the mail, up around town, in the newspaper, you name it. The creative work, writing and designing, is mostly done, so this week is all about details - proofing and making … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Life is More than Worry

The Church: Traveling Together

What seems like a bazillion years ago, I participated in a high school marching band (sorry, no humiliating pictures available - I did look, I promise). Before freshman year, I registered to be the pianist/accompanist for Beginning Orchestra; unbeknownst to me, everyone quit and the band director transferred me to Marching Band. And the trombone, because the … Continue reading The Church: Traveling Together

Scripture: Our Map

This picture has always struck me as an accurate portrayal of my relationship with my mom – the two of us snuggled up, enjoying a book together. Mom read with me all the way through high school, and even when I was in college she sometimes read the books I was assigned. She loves to read, I … Continue reading Scripture: Our Map

Sari, Not Sorry

A couple months ago our church had a women's retreat. I'm a little funny about gender exclusive events and wasn't sure I'd go until I opened my mouth to invite others to join me. And then the organizer asked if I would model a sari in the fashion show. Why a fashion show? would be a great … Continue reading Sari, Not Sorry