
Oh friends, how I have needed the words and wisdom of this post...! Even for those who don't think of themselves as Creatives, our very lives are adventures we have the privilege to create. Ann yearns to cheer-lead and encourage, and I'm certain others also need the cool refreshment she's offering, the gentle nudge to … Continue reading Forward

Create in Me

When I chose the word "recreate" to guide this year, I anticipated it would lead to play, fun, and new expressions of creativity. Instead, I have (re)discovered that to recreate often means ripping things apart, hacking pieces off, grafting in something else, and making a mess, in order to make something new. It can feel … Continue reading Create in Me

Thankful Thursday – Gentleness

I slapped off my alarm Monday morning, the one I set so I could have coffee before yoga. Eh, maybe the later class. I missed the later class. Eh, I’ll go to the gym. I had no energy for the gym. Not even for a run around the neighborhood. So I used the dog as … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Gentleness

All of the Above

I can't count the number of times I've heard someone say "I'm not creative" just in the last eighteen months. I disagree. We are all creative, as humans created in the image of a creative God. We've misunderstood creativity. We've unlearned the creativity so natural to children. We've allowed the critical voices to occupy space … Continue reading All of the Above

Everything Thrums

As I prepare this post, Teen has the TV on while watching videos on his phone and Tween stares into the computer game abyss. The competing sounds drown out the natural world: birdsong, chattering squirrels, leaves rustling in the (too) slight summer breeze. My friend Bruce encourages us to listen, to tap into the flow, … Continue reading Everything Thrums

Finding My Tribe

Some days you issue a simple request, and the fulfillment of that request moves you in unanticipated ways... In this case, I asked a long-time friend, "Will you write for my blog?" His submission whisked me back to the magical summer when we met (even before reading this piece, I did think of it as … Continue reading Finding My Tribe

Seasonal Recreation

How did you play when you were young? And how do you play now? I used to swim and bike for what seemed like days on end. I took art classes, played piano, and read. These days I hike or run or practice yoga. I write, play at art, and have an ever-growing stack of … Continue reading Seasonal Recreation

When It Clicks

College, first semester freshman year, I had a professor (in a non-writing class) who taught me one of the most useful skills I have ever learned: freewriting. "For the next minute [or three, or five], put pencil to paper and Do Not Stop! If you cannot think of anything to write, write that. If that … Continue reading When It Clicks

Practicing Re-Creation

Today's guest post makes me so happy, in part because I recently got to spend an evening with this person, after WAY too many years (we have spent more years not seeing each other than we were old the last time we saw each other--yikes!). And because, as long as I've known her, this … Continue reading Practicing Re-Creation

Recreate, Re-Create, Create

Ah, family vacations...! Since my dad traveled for work, our family didn't take a lot of vacations. At the other extreme, my husband's family shared annual adventures, each year a new version of the Great American Road Trip. A few years ago we took our kids on a two-week camping road trip--nine states, five national … Continue reading Recreate, Re-Create, Create