Thankful Thursday – Life is More than Worry

As Church Communication Director, this week before Thanksgiving is always one of the busiest work weeks of the year as we rush to get Christmas PR printed, in the mail, up around town, in the newspaper, you name it. The creative work, writing and designing, is mostly done, so this week is all about details - proofing and making … Continue reading Thankful Thursday – Life is More than Worry

Uncluttering Our Lives: Simplicity

Oh, the irony of the day set aside to consider simplicity being more complicated than any typical day! Between church, sports, and school commitments, this family set off running in multiple directions. Some of us said goodbye more than twelve hours ago and haven't been face-to-face since. And before bedtime one kid suddenly started puking. Nope, … Continue reading Uncluttering Our Lives: Simplicity

Curb Your Appetite

As the day began, I didn't intend to fast. Hustling the kids off to school, I rushed out the door to meet a friend for coffee and conversation. Heading on to work, I realized I hadn't packed lunch. "It's Ash Wednesday," the Spirit nudged. "Do without. Spend time with me." One of the spiritual practices ideas I'd provided … Continue reading Curb Your Appetite