Reading is Self-Care: Guest Post by Katie Pozzuoli

On Sunday mornings, my husband gets up with the kids. He makes breakfast and prods them along as they get ready for church. Me? I stay in bed and read. For me, reading is the ultimate act of self-care, and it’s not an exaggeration to say that Sunday mornings are my favorite little pocket of … Continue reading Reading is Self-Care: Guest Post by Katie Pozzuoli

Reading: Aug-Oct 2021

What are you reading? has to be one of my favorite questions both to ask and answer. I love books and I love talking about books. Of the eleven books I've read since my kiddo resumed in-person school in mid-August, nine were written or co-written by women, three are non-fiction, two are YA, two qualify … Continue reading Reading: Aug-Oct 2021

Summer Reading 2021

School starts for my son tomorrow - senior year already? - which means summer is over for us even though technically summer lasts another six weeks. Also, it's #NationalBookLoversDay, so it seems like a good time to share all the books I've read this summer. Since I've read a stack, I'll list them in star … Continue reading Summer Reading 2021

Reading: April 2021

Last month I told you I would share some delicious books that I began reading but couldn't finish in March. They wouldn't be devoured. They insisted on being savored, slowly, bite by delicious bite. You might want to wait until next Lent to read Where the Eye Alights by Marilyn McEntyre, though you sure don't … Continue reading Reading: April 2021

Reading: January 2021

My reading year started strong with two non-fiction books that offer important, striking social criticism, both 5 stars in my opinion. I finished out the month with four novels, the best of which was a book I hadn't expected to read (Rodham by Curtis Sittenfeld). What books have surprised you recently? Book titles link to … Continue reading Reading: January 2021