Meatless Monday – Cherry Berry Banana Green Smoothie

A few months ago I read that a shot of cherry juice before bed could help with insomnia. So when I saw cherry juice on sale at Costco, I added it to the cart. But we're tired and forget to a) drink it and b) make anything resembling scientific study when we happen to remember … Continue reading Meatless Monday – Cherry Berry Banana Green Smoothie

Meatless Monday – Roasted Veggie Marinara

Some days food is about sustenance. It has to be easy, quick, just satisfying enough. I was sick last week and no way was I going to spend extra time on my feet and in the kitchen when I really needed to stay in bed. That's when I'm grateful for a husband and kids who know their … Continue reading Meatless Monday – Roasted Veggie Marinara

Meatless Monday – The Greenest Soup

It was one of those weeks when the Universe declared, "Your plans be damned!" Extra meetings. Tasks took too long. Hormones flared. Perfectionism roared. Memories failed. Schedules ran amok. The internet went down at work and, as soon as it was restored, it went down at home: three repairmen in three days, to discover that the … Continue reading Meatless Monday – The Greenest Soup