Why Smile?

To make eye contact and smile is a kind of prayer, and it changes you. - Anne Lamott Lamott’s quote about the power of smiling has been on my mind most mornings when I walk my dogs past others in our neighborhood: the gaggle of women, the power pairs, the man who limps alongside his … Continue reading Why Smile?

What the World Needs Now

On Monday before the mandatory shelter-in-place began, I had to run a few errands that included picking up a prescription at the pharmacy. Surprisingly, the line was short, with two people already being helped at the counter and one person ahead of me. She was covered head to foot: a colorful rag-style hat on her … Continue reading What the World Needs Now

Sprinkle Kindness Everywhere

Someone left a rock dead center on the sign-in counter at the gym. Painted white with black letters reading “Sprinkle Kindness Everywhere” amidst colorful polka dots, it's so out of place it caught my attention. It reminded me of painted rocks I saw while on vacation in Pacific Grove. Someone(s) had painted stones to resemble … Continue reading Sprinkle Kindness Everywhere

Learning from Babies

Q15 lost his passport coming home from Mexico over spring break. He claims he gave it to Guy, Guy doesn’t remember ever receiving it, neither can find it. We need a replacement since Q leaves on a Scouting canoe trip in Canada next week. Within a certain window of time and requiring both parents meant … Continue reading Learning from Babies

Stay Human

Cautious of the time-sucking danger of social media, my Guy has intentionally cut back. A few months ago, though, he saw a post from a friend selling two three-day VIP tickets to BottleRock, a music festival in Napa. He immediately expressed interest, except the cost was a sad-but-immediate deal-breaker. Someone who cares for us all … Continue reading Stay Human


For Mother's Day, I received two bouquets of flowers: one from my in-laws and another from my kids. I posted pictures on social media because I have a thing for flowers. The next day, my neighbor and her young daughter stood on my doorstep holding a beautiful bouquet of homegrown roses. Mom had shown my … Continue reading Boomerang

Sunday Sweets – Debbie’s Ginger Snaps

I don't anticipate that Sunday Sweets will become a regular thing. However, I thought--could not believe it wasn't--that our family's all-time favorite cookie recipe was on the blog... And I was Wrong! Many years ago, a church friend discovered that Teen enjoyed Kitchen Time. Mostly because he was food-motivated, which propelled him to find his … Continue reading Sunday Sweets – Debbie’s Ginger Snaps

The Journey

Our minds play tricks on us. We've had so much fun that we think if we can just stack all the same blocks in exactly the same order, we can recreate that fabulous experience. But, the next time round, we aren't the same people. Even if we manage to stack those same blocks in that … Continue reading The Journey

Kindness Counts

I’ve been thinking about kindness lately. Kindness matters. Being friendly, courteous, generous – yes, those small but gentle acts matter. The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you… It’s golden—and a rule—for a reason. C’mon, who among us wants someone to be short and snippy to us? Who thinks … Continue reading Kindness Counts

“There are such nice people in this world…”

...says Tween, as the lady burying the Target conveyor belt with items notices our simple three items - a pack of lip balm and two shower scrubbies - and invites us to jump ahead of her in line. Of course he's right. There are such nice people in this world. This week we met fantastic doctors … Continue reading “There are such nice people in this world…”