Challenging the Challenge: Why I Passed on the #challengeaccepted

When Instagram began to fill up with black-and-white photos of women tagged #challengeaccepted, I googled it. The lead article mentioned some female country singers promoting natural beauty - no makeup/hair, no special lighting or filters, no glam, just women being themselves. Women supporting women being real women. But that wasn't what came across my Instagram … Continue reading Challenging the Challenge: Why I Passed on the #challengeaccepted

Sorry, Not Sorry

We were on vacation, lounging about as appropriate. The teen had fallen back asleep on our bed where he had retreated to get some alone-time from the parentals. Guy and I were reading quietly side-by-side in the living room with the patio door open to allow the breeze to circulate, and wind through the quivering … Continue reading Sorry, Not Sorry


I received a rejection slip! Of course I'm disappointed, but here's the catch: all creative ventures involve risk. I took a risk. It didn't pan out the way I'd hoped, but I took it nonetheless. I am creating, and putting my work out there, and it's a step in the right direction. This post just … Continue reading Overwhelmed

Create Beauty

Create Challenge Guest Post #2 - Mandi Diehl 2016 Wednesdays on this blog I will create a platform for friends to share their perspective on and experience of creativity. Today's guest post brought up a visceral memory for me: sneaking into my mom's bathroom, friend in tow, at about age 8. My mom's beauty cabinet beckoned with mystical glowing attraction. … Continue reading Create Beauty