Do you have ANTs?

Hi, I’m Siv (“See-v”) and I struggle with negative thinking.

That might seem like a vulnerable thing to write, but I suspect I’m not alone. I won’t ask for a show of hands, but I wonder if you relate.

  • I snapped this selfie before a special occasion.
  • I deleted it the next day when my inner critic pointed out all my flaws.
  • I retrieved it from the photo trash folder later…because that voice doesn’t get to win!

I write to encourage you and me both to have hope, seek beauty, and live joyfully because the world is a mess at every level. Life can be hard, and the inner critic’s snarl sure doesn’t help.

Yet we have a choice to turn it down. To retrain our brains. To seek the good. To remind ourselves of what’s true.

I’m sending my monthly newsletter next week about how to deal with automatic negative thinking, or ANTs. Would you like to read it? Leave a comment and I’ll be in touch, or use the link below (if you’re on a mobile) or next to (if you’re on a desktop) to sign up.

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