Finding My Tribe

Some days you issue a simple request, and the fulfillment of that request moves you in unanticipated ways... In this case, I asked a long-time friend, "Will you write for my blog?" His submission whisked me back to the magical summer when we met (even before reading this piece, I did think of it as … Continue reading Finding My Tribe

Find His Motivation

Some may call it bribery. I call it motivation. Initially, the goal (mine, at least) was to get Teen's college application essays written before the school year started. Despite the 2-session college essay workshop he attended, that didn't happen. The college counselor came to our home to talk through the process, yet Teen has felt so … Continue reading Find His Motivation

Find Your Passion and Move Forward

I had the honor of working with today's guest post author for six brief years when he was a recently ordained pastor and we were young marrieds with Baby #1, playing the see-saw game of ministry-life balance. Neal was gracious in so many ways, asked hard questions that led to meaningful conversations, encouraged us at every turn, … Continue reading Find Your Passion and Move Forward

Leap of Faith

You know those people you esteem at a distance? Shirley is one of those women in my life. Our kids have traveled together through elementary school and now into middle school, but she has a daughter and I have a son and so our social overlap has lacked. Yet I have watched with deep respect as Shirley has invested in her passion and … Continue reading Leap of Faith

What’s Your Dance Party?

I've been thinking about "YES!" This word, "create," requires saying Yes to life, to invitations, to play, and, sometimes worse, to those things that intimidate or downright scare me. Don't get me wrong. I'm all for saying "NO!" as necessary. I believe in it. Oh baby, YES, we have to say NO! from time to … Continue reading What’s Your Dance Party?