Fat Tuesday

Oh dear, I have to share this again after the dinner table reception it enjoyed tonight. Fat Tuesday, and I decided that I really did want to work once, eat twice, so I doubled the whole dang thang and it was the Best Vegan Jambalaya I’ve made. It almost didn’t fit in my Large Skillet, so don’t try to more-than-double unless you make it in a Large Soup Pot. I doubled all ingredients except: instead of 1 c diced fresh tomatoes, I used 1 15oz can diced tomatoes in juice; I had 3/4c tomato sauce, so instead of opening another can I used 1/4c enchilada sauce I had ready for another meal (this might contribute to spiciness – not that my fam minded but sharing for honesty, and use what you’ve got); and my garlic cloves were Large, so I used 6, not 8-12, but if you Love you some Garlic, go ahead! I simmered lid-on for 25 minutes, checking periodically, and didn’t need to add more liquid. I added 10 minutes to the timer, then added a half-cup of broth. When I added remaining ingredients, I stirred in one last half-cup of broth; turned off heat and let sit until the family gathered. Perfecto!

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